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Sharks - super fast swimmers

Did you know that sharks can swim as fast as a cheetah can run? Find out what helps them move so fast underwater ...
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Sharks - super fast swimmers

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Bronze whaler


A type of shark which is also called the copper shark or narrowtooth shark and is found in warmer waters.

Mako shark


Also is known as the blue pointer or bonito shark, the mako shark is one of the fastest sharks in the ocean. It can swim up to 96 kilometres per hour - as fast as a car driving on the motorway! It can be found all over the world in temperate (cold and warm) waters, including New Zealand.

Great white shark


A great white shark, or mangō taniwha in Māori is a large shark that lives in warm seas. The great white is known for its size, and can grow up to 6.1 metres in length. It became famous as the shark in the movie ‘Jaws,’ but it doesn’t naturally eat humans. It is more likely to snack on fish, dolphins, seals, and sea turtles instead.

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