Riley's amazing orca discovery
What's so special about turtle shells?
Riley searches for sharks
What is an apex predator?
Where did all the kelp go?
SeaLegacy's Sea of Hope episode
What is orca chocolate?
Is this a sea hedgehog?
Riley finds where the baby fish live
What is this creature?
Which ray is the best swimmer?
Have you ever met a stingray?
Dolphins special sleep trick
How do spiny rock lobsters grow?
What do pipis and cockles do?
If a ray stops swimming will it ...
How do stingrays swim?
Which fish's poo makes sand?
What has 10 legs and super feelers?
An apex predator is ...
Seabirds and whales!
Growing up is tough in a spiky shell
Riley finds some massive clams!
How gross are crayfish?
Meet the tastiest creature in the ocean