Kauri & Tohorā
Hope story - Brydes whales saved!
Learn to Draw - Bronze Whaler
Riley searches for sharks
Riley goes whale watching
What are zooplankton?
Where do creatures poo in the ocean?
Learn to Draw - Bryde's Whale
Learn to Draw - Blue Whale
Learn to Draw - Orca
Why do orca end up stuck on the beach?
Whales can’t tell the difference between ...?
Love Our Sea song for ECEs
Where do whales and dolphins hang out?
The incredible Hauraki Gulf
Riley finds humpback whales!
Speedy boats ...
Lots of whales in the gulf?
Why make friends with a killer whale?
How to hide in plain sight
How many whales?
Whale expert Nan Hauser answers our questions
Whale Dad jokes
Meet the humpback whale
Would you slow down for whales?
How do slow down zones work?
Seabirds and whales!
Does the slow down zone work?
Who are the acrobats of the sea?
Learn to Draw - Sperm Whale
Rochelle Constantine answers our questions