How does a dolphin move?
SeaLegacy's Sea of Hope episode
Is anything scared of a dolphin?
If a ray stops swimming will it ...
How do spiny rock lobsters grow?
Is a sharks skin made from teeth?
How do rays breathe underwater?
Sharks - super fast swimmers
Which ray is the best swimmer?
Are sharks bones made from noses?
Dolphin skin - it's amazing!
What has 10 legs and super feelers?
Breathing is tricky for a turtle
Can you find the triplefin all over NZ?
Riley talks to a world record holder!
How is a ray like a vacuum cleaner?
What does a dolphins sonar tell them?
Have you ever met a stingray?
What do turtles use their back flippers for?
How did fur seals get their name?
Where do creatures poo in the ocean?
Meet the bravest fish in the ocean!
How gross are crayfish?
Riley finds humpback whales!
Dolphins special sleep trick
Which amazing dolphin sense is your favorite?
Hope Stories - Fish tagging
How can blind dolphins catch fish?
How do stingrays swim?
Tricks to hold your breath longer
How does a ray eat it’s food?
Can you hold your breath longer than a fur seal?
Growing up is tough in a spiky shell
Can rays see electricity?