How can blind dolphins catch fish?
How many eggs does this huge fish lay?
What are zooplankton?
Riley explores a marine park
Is that an underwater robot?
Which fish's poo makes sand?
What's great about the striped marlin?
What do pipis and cockles do?
Can a girl fish become a boy fish?
What sea animal eats like a cow?
Is a sharks skin made from teeth?
How gross are crayfish?
Crayfish Dad jokes
Fish Dad jokes #2
Fish Dad jokes #1
Riley swims with galapagos sharks
Learn to Draw - Triplefin
Does this important job surprise you?
How do you clean a dirty ocean?
Riley explores a coral reef
Why get caught on a fishing line?
How to hide in plain sight
Can you find the triplefin all over NZ?
Kūtai and Weaving
What is this creature?
Riley helps to save a harbour
Learn to draw - Crayfish
Catch fish not birds
Where do whales and dolphins hang out?
Hopukina he ika, kaua ko te manu.
What is a kelp forest?
Where do creatures poo in the ocean?
Learn to Draw - Manta Ray
Why do this fish's stripes glow?
Meet the striped marlin
What does a shark eat?
Why do we call this a meatball?
Riley searches for crayfish
Riley finds some massive clams!
Meet the bravest fish in the ocean!
Why did Kevin Iro set up a marine park?
Learn to Draw - Snapper
Do fish eat meatballs?
Hope Stories - Fish and Chips
Riley searches for sharks
Riley finds where the baby fish live
Mussels do what to the water?
Who can set up a marine park?
Riley meets some citizen scientists!
Riley's amazing ocean journey
Hope Stories - Fish tagging