Click on a school in the map or list to learn more about their classes and contributions!
School | Class name | Days participated | Total pieces | Pieces per student per day | Digital Uploads |
What is the 21 Day Challenge?
Overall aims and objectives
The challenge will run from 15 Feb 2021 - 15 Mar 2021.
Register to view detailed class plans, videos, and resources for each day.
EACH DAY | Each child picks up 1+ pieces of plastic for 21 days Observe progress towards a goal in graphs. Can we make a difference to our local environment? |
DAY 1 | IntroductionKaitiaki – Why is the ocean important? How can we look after it? |
DAYS 2-6 | The wonders of the Hauraki GulfMeet our beautiful ocean creatures, the importance of conserving their habitat.
DAYS 7-10 | Hope StoriesThe issues facing our ocean, and stories of people who are making a difference.
DAY 11 | Taking actionExplore how to get involved, educate others, and create change. |
DAY 12-19 | Amplifying your messageResearch, plan, and create a way of sharing knowledge and encouraging others to become Kaitiaki too. |
DAY 20-21 | Sharing and celebrating |