We are incredibly grateful for all the amazing partners we have. We couldn't do this without you!

NZ on Air  NZ On Air

Greenstone TV  Greenstone TV

Bobby Stafford-Bush Foundation  The Bobby Stafford-Bush Foundation

G.I.F.T. Fund

Wright Family Foundation

Whakatupu Aotearoa Foundation

Foundation North

Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust

McPike-Zima Charitable Foundation

Hype & Dexter

Giltrap Group

Honda Marine


Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life

Dr Rochelle Constantine, University of Auckland

Dr Nan Hauser, Cook Islands Whale Research

Dr Ingrid Visser, Orca Research Trust

Dr Dan Godoy, Lecturer Massey University

Kimoro Taiepa, Lead Tutor Maori Arts Education

Te Wānanga O Aotearoa


Auckland Zoo

Kelly Tarlton’s Sea Life Aquarium

Woodlands Park School. With special thanks to Liz Manley, Helen Emson and Room 12, Kit McIntyre and Room 5, Andy Boyd and Room 6

Avondale Primary School. With special thanks to Greg Chalmers, Va'ai Sililoto,  Joanne Corcoran, Stacey Brown, and Vicki Billing

Elaine Whitworth, Biology Teacher Unitec Institute of Technology

Vashti Tymkin, Teacher Westmere School

Laureline Meynier, Lecturer Massey University

Native Audio

Alex Mitchell, colour grading

Matt Draper, additional footage


With thanks to the project team:

  • Visionary and underwater cameraman: Steve Hathaway

  • Talent and voice over: Riley Hathaway

  • Project manager: Jani Alexander

  • Content producer and product owner: Reuben Pollock

  • Technical lead and development: Axel Busch, xlvisuals

  • User experience research and design: Liz Busch, xlvisuals

  • Graphic and creative design: Rees Morley, Morley Design Group

Learn to Draw
Interviews with Experts
Hauraki Gulf
YOE adventures
Sea of Hope
SeaLegacy's Sea of Hope episode
Riley can't find the ocean here!
Ngā manu o te moana me ngā tohorā!
What is this creature?
Which sea animal wears armour to survive?
How far do black petrels fly?
How do stingrays swim?
Should all scientists wear glasses?
Sharks - super fast swimmers
Stop marine pests spreading
How 2 Hongi
Whales can’t tell the difference between ...?
Te haerenga wawau o te kirihou
What is a habitat?
Hope Stories - Revive our Gulf
Crayfish Dad jokes
Kelp, help!
Why is my dad scared of crabs?
How does a dolphin move?
Hope Stories - 1+A Day
Should sharks be protected?
Riley goes whale watching
Hope Stories - Kids want a Marine reserve
What’s bad about plastic?
How do you film movies underwater?
Where do creatures poo in the ocean?
Name the Māui dolphins cousin
Speedy boats ...
Which habitat would you rather live in?
Dr Ingrid Visser answers our questions about Orca
Which camouflage skill would you like?
Whale Dad jokes
How much oxygen do sea plants produce?
Eudyptula, what?
What is an apex predator?
Protection in the ocean
Birds with magic tricks
How many eggs does this huge fish lay?
Why do orca end up stuck on the beach?
Riley confronts a big fear
Stingray Dad jokes
Riley finds where the baby fish live
What’s a marine current?
Which is the easiest piece of rubbish to pick up?
What does a shark eat?
What's great about the striped marlin?
Meet the loggerhead turtle
What do turtles use their back flippers for?