How much oxygen do sea plants produce?
Where do paddle crabs live?
How do spiny rock lobsters grow?
Riley confronts a big fear
Kelp, help!
Seaweed Dad jokes
What sea animal eats like a cow?
Would you eat a paddle crab?
How gross are crayfish?
Crayfish Dad jokes
Does this important job surprise you?
How do you clean a dirty ocean?
Should all scientists wear glasses?
Riley explores a coral reef
Where did all the kelp go?
What is a kelp forest?
Why is my dad scared of crabs?
What has 10 legs and super feelers?
A swimming crab, WHAT?
Is this a sea hedgehog?
Riley searches for crayfish
Riley finds some massive clams!
Learn to Draw - Snapper
Mussels do what to the water?
Growing up is tough in a spiky shell